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How to install WordPress on cPanel?

All sites need host spaces to be displayed to users around the world. The host space has different panels for management, including cPanel, DirectAdmin and Plesk. Of course, cPanel is more popular than others are. For this reason, in this article, we discussed how to install WordPress on cPanel.

If you are using DirectAdmin, read the article on installing WordPress on DirectAdmin.

If you are using Webmin, read the article on installing WordPress on Webmin.

If you want to use localhost, read the article on installing WordPress on localhost.

If you want to use Macintosh, read the article on installing WordPress on Mac.

What is cPanel?

As we mentioned at the beginning, cPanel is a management panel for the server that allows WordPress users and other users to manage it easily. cPanel has more features than DirectAdmin.

What features does cPanel have?

cPanel has many features, some of which include the following:

It can be used for WordPress

It can be said that one of the advantages of cPanel is its use for WordPress sites. Installing WordPress on cPanel is possible with just a few clicks.

The ability to create a database

With the help of cPanel, you can easily connect the database to WordPress.

The ability to create multiple sub domains

In cPanel, users can easily add as many sub domains as they want to their site.

The possibility of creating email on the web

Email on the web is one of the facilities required for business websites. Emails on the web are somehow more reliable. With the help of cPanel, you can also have several Emails on the web.

All the emails you create are with your own address, such as [email protected]

Purchase a shared host or server

When you buy a shared host or server, according to the type of host or server, the type of panel is known. Be careful, after purchasing the host, the provider company will provide you with a password and username, which you should keep in a safe place.

After purchasing the host or server from the provider company, in addition to the username and password, it will provide you with the cPanel login address.

Installing WordPress on cPanel

To install WordPress on cPanel, you must do the following in order:

Login to cPanel

The first step is to login to cPanel.

Login to your cPanel using yourdomain/cpanel or yourdomain:2082 or yourdomain:2083. Instead of yourdomain, you should write your website address.

Enter the username and password you received from your hosting company.

Login to cPanel
Login to cPanel

Upload WordPress files

First, enter the file manager.

File manager in cPanel
File manager in cPanel

You will see a list on the left side of the image. In this section, it shows the contents of your host. Go to the Public_html section.

Public_html in cPanel
Public_html in cPanel

Once you have selected the public_html folder, select the upload option, upload the WordPress files, and then wait for the upload to complete.

If you want WordPress to be on your main domain, you should upload WordPress files to Public_html, but if you want WordPress to be on a subfolder (for example,, you should create a folder with your desired name and upload WordPress files to that folder.

Upload file in cPanel
Upload file in cPanel

Now you can see your WordPress file on the public html page. First, click on it to select it and then click on Extract to unzip it.

The second way to extract is to right-click on the zip file and select Extract.

Right-click on the zip file and select Extract in cPanel
Right-click on the zip file and select Extract in cPanel

Enter the WordPress folder, select all the files, select the move option, and move them to the public_html folder.

Now you can delete the WordPress zip file from your host.

Create Database

To store your information, you need to have a database, to create it you need to go to the relevant page in cPanel.

Go to the Databases section and click on MySQL Databases.

Database in cPanel
Database in cPanel

In this section, you create the database name, username and password. Keep this information in a place like Notepad for later use.

Now write the database name in English. You can write any name you want, but it is better to choose a good name. Then click on Create Database button.

Create database in cPanel
Create database in cPanel

Now, on the same page, go to the bottom of the page, create a username for the database, and click on the Create User button.

Create username for database in cPanel
Create username for database in cPanel

After you have created the username, come back to the bottom of the same page, select the database and its username, and click the Add button.

Set user for database in cPanel
Set user for database in cPanel

In the last step, check the All Privileges option to give all access to the user name. Then click on the Make Changes button.

Check the All Privileges option
Check the All Privileges option

Congratulations. You have successfully created the database.

Installing WordPress

Now that you have done all the steps, enter your site address and install WordPress.

In the first step, you must choose the language of your site. Then click on the “Continue” button.

Select language for wordpress
Select language for wordpress

Now click on the “Let’s go!” button.

Click on Let’s go button for install wordpress
Click on Let’s go button for install wordpress

In this step, enter the database information, username and password that you created earlier. Then click on the submit button.

Enter the database information
Enter the database information

Now click on the “Run the install” button.

Run the install
Run the install

Now enter the final information for the site and the management panel.

If you do not want your website to be registered in search engines such as Google, check the “Search engines” option.

Information for admin panel and website
Information for admin panel and website

Congratulations. Your WordPress has been successfully installed.

The installation of WordPress on cPanel is complete. Now you can enter your WordPress admin section by adding /wp-admin to the end of your domain.

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